Thursday, August 22, 2013

Time to start this....again... All my thoughts

I have felt a need to blog again, it's something I always want to start but put it off. As I watch my 3 little ones grow and have so many stories I decided I need to save these memories if only in writing! I hope to keep this updated and just put my thoughts down!

We have changed so much in appearance and life since we had Easton, moved, and I quit working! We are trying to use whole, organic foods. This is to be healthy but more because I love my family, my grandmother cooked a meal for my family every night from scratch and we loved it! It helped me feel loved, I didn't know it at the time but I do now! So much bad is in the world and even when family life isn't great having a meal together, homemade was always there. Even if I had a late game I would come home to dinner, sometimes we would eat on the road and Julius and I would come home to food and we would eat again! So with this in mind I love my family and I want to make them dinner, and eventually lunch and breakfast but for now I am working on dinner!

Secondly things get tough especially having 3 children at home and a kid in the military( my brother) you realize how different life is at different stages of life but one thing is ALWAYS the same.... The love of our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ! I am constantly reminded of his love and understanding of  our individual situations! I am excited to see my kids grow to serve missions, and be married in the Temple, all 4 of them!

To be continued... 

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